Safety pool cover

The safety cover will help you winterize your swimming pool in a smarter way. It restricts access to your pool for when it’s not in use, protects the pool from dirt and debris, and helps you make sure your swimming pool makes it intact through the colder, tougher months. In addition, unlike regular pool covers, safety pool cover is known and valued for the enhanced safety. Installing a pool cover that is secured into the deck is the ultimate safety hack to protect your family members and pets during the off-season.

Size: 16‘ x 32’ | 18′ x 36′ | 20′ x 40′

Properly installed and fixed, a safety cover stops snow, ice, leaves, and dirt from going into the pool and keeps it clean until spring.Tidy appearance is important for the months when you can’t use the pool, but it’s still there and you still want it to look nice.